M9 deliverables


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M9 Deliverables - drafts (with reviews and CAFs) and final versions

No. Title Deliverables
D4.3 WP4 status internal report
a) General report on the testbed setup status with specific sections on:
- First testbed experience review
- Integration team experience
- User support and HelpDesk
- Progress report at each testbed site
- Perspectives of deployment of applications & middleware
- Interoperability with DataGrid
- Validation procedures
b) Collaborative tools experience
c) Preparations for testbed extension:
- Installation kit revision
- Requirements from other WP and deployable CrossGrid software update
- Perspectives at each site
- Definition of site expertise and special hardware infrastructure (massive storage, specific platform.)
d) Network requirements
CG4-D4.3-v1.1-CSIC010-WP4-Status.pdf (CO)
CG-4.4-D4.3-v1.3-LIP012-InitialCrossGridTestbed.pdf (CO)
D5.1.3 Quarterly report CG5.1-D5.1.3-v0.5-CYF004-QuarterlyReport.pdf (CO)
D5.3.8 CrossGrid Website CG5.3-D5.3.8-v1.0-ALGO801-WebPages.pdf


*) CO - Confidential, internal
PU - Public